Conservation Services - restore, protect, sustain

Conservation Services - restore, protect, sustain

Conservation Services - restore, protect, sustainConservation Services - restore, protect, sustainConservation Services - restore, protect, sustain

What can we do for you?


Habitat surveys and reports

We can carry out a basic (Phase 1) habitat survey, consisting of a desk study and site survey, to inform a final report on the species and habitats that are present on a site, and their relative importance. This report can help you make the right decisions about how you manage your land, and the changes that you may want to make.

Further detail and focus on specific areas or species can be provided via a Phase 2 survey.


  • We can help you to form a plan for the transformation and future management of your land. 
  • This can include assessment of whether grants may be available to help with the cost. 
  • It can also include the taking and assessment of soil samples to help decide which species may be suitable.
  • Come to us for friendly, reliable, practical advice


  • Creation and restoration of habitats (whether woodland, meadow, wetland or garden)
  • Fencing, restoration or establishment of hedgerows
  • Tree services, from planting to surgery
  • Protection and repair of river banks to combat erosion and damage by livestock
  • Agricultural services including the sowing of wildflower meadows
  • Construction and erection of bat and bird boxes

Maintenance and management

We can provide an ongoing service to ensure that your project has the best chance of long term success and that your wildlife haven flourishes.